Collaborative Practice Laws in Washington State - What does that look like?

Collaborative Practice Laws in Washington State - What does that look like?

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Update on Physician Assistants: Upcoming PA Law Changes effective July 1, 2021

During the last legislative session, SHB 2378 was passed, authorizing the following changes to Physician Assistant (PA) Laws:

  1. Moves the Delegation Agreements to the practice level; you only need to send a copy to the Washington Medical Commission (WMC). Existing practice agreements submitted before July 1, 2021 do not need to be updated to reflect the changes required in SHB 2387.

    Washington Medical Commission Practice Agreements
  2. The MD/DO to PA ratio is 10:1; if your practice already has a “waiver” for more, you do not need to resubmit.

  3. It removes remote site restrictions; removing duplicate regulatory structures for PAs working with MDs and DOs. It places all PAs under the Medical Commission. There will no longer be a separate licensing section for Osteopathic Physician Assistants. Chapter 18.71A RCW will replace the Osteopathic Physician Assistant license found in chapter 18.57A RCW.

WMC Newsletter on new PA Practice Updates
Senate House Bill 2378
August 26 2021 | Changes in PA practice laws during COVID 19 pandemic under Gov. Inslee